Experience Flawless Editing & Proofreading

Our editing and proofreading services will help you master the world of literacy; your manuscripts will now be near perfect.

Book Editing

Become a Pioneer in the Literacy World by Achieving the Utmost Perfection

Our editors and proofreaders at 360 Book Writing Agency are experts at identifying and correcting flaws and assisting you in creating masterpieces.

Line and Copy Editing:

A copywriter will go line by line and consider the general structure, word choice, consistency, grammar and punctuation issues, and so forth. Our expertise will ensure that no stone is left unturned and that there are no faults that could jeopardize the integrity of your work.


There are mistakes which can leave your eyes and of our editors, and that’s when our proofreaders jump in. They will correct all the poorly worded sentences, and minor grammatical and spelling errors to ensure that your book is ready to be seen by the world.

Our Notable Industry Experts

We have over 200 authors working with us, and some of them are well-known in their fields.

Jennifer Sheila Uglow

25 Published Books

Megan Abbott

15 Published Books

David Baldacci

10 Published Books

Soji Shimada

22 Published Books

Kent Harrington

12 Published Books

Andy Duncan

28 Published Books

Reach Millions Of Readers Through
Our Dexterous Services!

(888) 797-3021

Why you should
Always Choose Our Writers

The writers at 360 Book Writing Agency are those who have served the industry for years,
and are here to make you the next best-selling author.

  • Book publishing
  • Critical reviewing of your draft
  • Self-publishing service
  • Publishing consultancy
  • Drafting your manuscript
  • Thorough research on your book
  • Video book trailers
  • Literary agency consultation
  • Book marketing
  • Proofreading to ensure no errors
  • Typesetting and formatting
  • Book cover designs and illustrations

Hear from our Customers!

We have helped thousands of authors reach their dream heights of success, and they have left us with nothing but good words.

Lisa Mercy

Jessica Lucas